Many JW's actually have a very high self esteem, which is constantly nurtured by the Watchtower. They are pioneers, elders, circuit overseers, etc. They are all company man/woman
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Have you noticed the common practice is to knock indivual's self esteem?
by stuckinarut2 inin another thread, one of our members made a comment that caught my attention.. i have been trying to put my finger on a practice amongst the org and witnesses in general.... as soon as someone does something well, accomplishes something, or excels at something, the atmosphere effectiveley 'kicks them in the gut' to bring them down.. anything that makes a person grow or develop is blatently discouraged and therefore self esteem is squashed!.
the constant message telling a witness to be 'humble' is designed to suck any sense of growth or 'betterment' out of a person..... therefore this leaves the average witness to be a blubbering mess of insecurity and instability completely dependant on the organization...kind of like a 'battered-wife' scenario.... .
never a jw
Morality Without Deity
by cofty inone of the most persistent arguments for belief in god centres on the necessity of an ultimate law-giver and epitome of goodness.. a softer version is seen in the genuine concern that a loss of faith will result in a corresponding loss of a moral compass - a more strident argument links the existence of good and evil with proof of the reality of god.
it is often asserted that without god, moral decisions degenerate to nothing more than personal preferences and the victory of "might is right".. i want to succinctly lay out my response as an atheist, and show that a supreme being is not required for objective morality.. it is helpful to distinguish between absolute morality, objective morality and subjective morality.
christian apologists frequently conflate the first two, and secular debaters often fail to point out the difference.. theists who disagree on everything else, are unanimous that god is perfectly good.
never a jw
Why do you have to ruin my dramatization?? Now I have to add..."in a town where quarantine is ineffective"Wait... no need. The disease is going to kill everyone in that town anyways. The end result is the same, except that quarantine is a delayed death sentence that creates added risk for the rest of the world
Morality Without Deity
by cofty inone of the most persistent arguments for belief in god centres on the necessity of an ultimate law-giver and epitome of goodness.. a softer version is seen in the genuine concern that a loss of faith will result in a corresponding loss of a moral compass - a more strident argument links the existence of good and evil with proof of the reality of god.
it is often asserted that without god, moral decisions degenerate to nothing more than personal preferences and the victory of "might is right".. i want to succinctly lay out my response as an atheist, and show that a supreme being is not required for objective morality.. it is helpful to distinguish between absolute morality, objective morality and subjective morality.
christian apologists frequently conflate the first two, and secular debaters often fail to point out the difference.. theists who disagree on everything else, are unanimous that god is perfectly good.
never a jw
@John Mann: I think the ultimate goal of morality is the well-being of people.
You re making progress. You are using a popular definition. At least it's better than "God's will"
But in the meantime some acts can be seen as immoral if you don't see the big picture.
Maybe not, now you are demonstrating the subjectivity of the whole issue. You found the need of the big picture that others don't see. It's your view versus others' view. Yours is better...of course. It's based on absolute morality.
Parents submitting children under painful treatment for instance. Sometimes an apparent evil is the only way to achieve a greater good.
Cherry picking? How about bombing to oblivion a town where a new, lethal and highly contagious disease has overwhelmed the population. The greater good is to prevent the spreading of the disease to the world. The amount of lives saved by bombing the town can easily be much greater than the lives killed in that town. What does absolute morality dictate to do?
Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson
by azor inlistening to 2 of my current favorite thinkers debate/discussion.
i've been looking forward to this since i found out about it a month ago.
hope some of you get a chance to listen.
never a jw
Hopefully they will have another podcast
What's the use. They may live in two different dimensions
Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson
by azor inlistening to 2 of my current favorite thinkers debate/discussion.
i've been looking forward to this since i found out about it a month ago.
hope some of you get a chance to listen.
never a jw
2 hours ago
SBF I just wonder why... Sam Harris has to... make a pause after every... four words or so... without apparent regard... for sense or normal... speech patterns.
It's for the benefit of his audience so we can fully process his great ideas. Nothing to hide after all.
Peterson is intentionally a faster speaker so he impedes clarity and hides his incoherence
January 19, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN WALES Re: Prerecorded Memorial and Special Talk 2017 - Welsh
by wifibandit injanuary 19, 2017 to all bodies of elders in wales re: prerecorded memorial and special talk 2017 - welsh.
never a jw
everyone here knows there is a difference between the writing department and writing committee right.
Yep, you sound like a Witchtower insider
January 19, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN WALES Re: Prerecorded Memorial and Special Talk 2017 - Welsh
by wifibandit injanuary 19, 2017 to all bodies of elders in wales re: prerecorded memorial and special talk 2017 - welsh.
never a jw
Richrd Oliver: Menlo Park was it's [sic] own corporation with it's [sic] own bylaws and constitution
Given your indefensible comments, you most certainly work for the Witchtower, but you certainly are not part of the writing committee.
Pseudo history in Watchtower today 😂
by Gorbatchov ingorby went to the kh for family reasons today.. and landed right away middle in a pseudo history watchtower article.
just that aspect of the jw belief he is so sensative about.. so 1918 and 1919 are changed with one mark of a pencil.
the argument of change was in the past the argument of the doctrine.
never a jw
I take it back. I read the link from shepherdless. They are staying a cult.
The rich will not inherit the Kingdom of God—Did Jesus really say this?
by anointed1 init is our experience that love of money brings action towards accumulating abundance of wealth which ultimately convinces the owner that “i was wasting my time” which in turn motivates him to turn into philanthropy (like bill gates and co did).
this is a perfect design (designed to work independently of god) like a journey of which the first half is wasteful and the second half is fruitful, and it is to be viewed as a whole.
hence it is unlikely that jesus would say: “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of god.” (mathew 19:24) verse is obviously attributed to jesus by later writers.. this means question of morality is not complicated if viewed as a whole process.
never a jw
Hey, you are not Simon! get a different picture. Stop deceiving the people who click into a thread just to read Simon's comments
Kingdom Hall Master Plan. - letter - Consolidation.
by Lostandfound injust seen reference to a recent letter read to congregations about this, anyone got more info please?.
never a jw
According to what I was taught as a JW, when the end is near it is expected that their numbers dwindle.
I think they are right. It's simple logic. Actually, it's almost tautological. I would rephrase it in a better way though
When the numbers dwindle, then the end is near.